Replacement Coils - Items tagged as "Turbo"

Replacement Coils

Tank/Clearomizer Replacement Coils

To keep your tank firing on all cylinders, you need to replace your coil once it's burned out. Our extensive stock of tank replacement coils is here to help you, whether you're sub-ohm vaping with the newest mods on the market, or vaping with traditional 808 tanks. Lakeshore Vapors offers  replacement coils for the 510 and 808 threaded tanks we have in our inventory. Choose from coil resistances between 0.2 ohm (for sub-ohm, chest hits) to 3.0 ohm (for high resistance, mouth to lung hits).

Shop replacement tank coils from Aspire, SMOK, Joyetech, Vision, Innokin, and other top brands. Our selection includes stainless steel, Kanthal, nickel, and more. 

Most Tanks/Rda/Clearomizers will offer replacement Coils so you can use your tank over and over. Please make sure you know what tank you are using.

 Coils by Brand

View all #8 .12 ogm .15mm .15ohm .1mm .2 .3mm .5 .5 coils .5ohm .5ohm isub .6 ohm .7 ohm 1.0 1.0 pod 1.0ohm coil 1.2ohm 1.5 ohm 1.8 ohm 16b 16d 20g 20mm 30 feet 30 gauge 30g 30s 32awg 34 gauge 3pc SMOK V12 T8 Coils 0.16ohm for TFV12 Tank Atomizer 510 510 battery 510 charger 510 tank 808 808 batt 808 battery 808 charger 808 h2 a1 aerotank aerotank mow airflow apple ave apple st arctic arctic turbo aspire aspire bvc atlantis coil atlantis mega atom atomizer baby beast baby prince back in stock bacon bc1 bcc coil BCC Pure Cotton Head for iSmoka Eleaf GS14 bdc coil best coil Best Tank big baby boulder pod system breeze breeze coil btc bvc ce5 ce5 coil ceramic coil cerberus clean coils clean your wick clearomizer Clearomizers clocc cloud beast coil coil Coils Computer Accessories Computers controller corona virus cotton cotton bacon ddta head delta 2 direct output dual mesh e grip e-Liquid ec2 Ecig ecig regulations ecigs egrip eleaf eleaf bcc eleaf coil Eleaf GS Air Electronics fda fda ecig information fireluke free delivery freemax ga gauge geekvape great coil gs air gs air coils gs14 GS16 GS16S h2 coil henry street horizan horizon Horizon Spartan Mini BTC Tank on sale at Lakeshore Vapors in Muskegon iclear 16 iclear 30s ijust innokin innokin coil innokin isub ismoka istick pico isub isub coil joye joyetech joyetech coil k-kiss k-pin KANGER COIL kanger occ kanger t2 kangertech kanthal kanthal wire KR808D-1 lakeshore lakeshore liquid Lakeshore Vapors Lakeshore Vapors LLC LakeshoreVapors.Com lost vape lostvape m pro mao max mesh melo 4 mesh coil Michigan michiogan mini protank 3 mixtank coils mtl coil Muskegon must-have nano nautilus ncocc new ni ni 200 ni200 nickel wire nicr nova kit occ coil ohm on sale orion q ornate pico drta pnp empty pod pnp tank pod pod kit pod mod pod system pods prince pro protank 3 quad mesh quit smoking rba rda replacement coil REPLACEMENT COILS replacement coul new replacement delta coils replacement wick room temp sextuplet shop single coil smok smok nord SMOK T8 SMOK TFV12 SMOK TFV12TFV12 T8 smok tfv4 smok tumbler smokjoy SOCC spartan tank spool ss coil ssocc 1.2 starter kit sternberg stick v8 stop smoking sub ohm subohm subtank subtank coil subtank mini subtank nano subtank tc coil suorin air SUORIN AIR PRO supermesh t10 light up t2 t6 t8 Tank tank coils temp control TFV12 COIL tfv12 prince coil tfv12 q4 tfv4 tfv4 on sale tfv8 This is a kr808d-1 T2 Clearomizer at Lakeshore Vapors in Muskegon Michigan. This will fit most 808 Batteries. ti .4ohm titanium Trim Kit turbo turbo charge uwell v thru v8 xbaby valyrian vaping safety vapo vapor vapors vapowire vocc voopoo vtr wick wick n vape wicks wire x baby xros

Our brands

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